UNSW Built Environment Architectural Computing: Nikolina Borak

18 05 2010

Half way through this semester and ready to pull my hair out but there is only another half and another five assignments to go. The second half is always easier because you have become comfortable with your subjects and you now know what is expected from you. My Digital Collaboration Studio class is the most stressful but also the most insightful. The image below is just from one of the assignments that needed to be completed, we had to remodel the UNSW campus and then place our models in a gaming engine to be able to walk through our buildings in real time.

New College Village (Postgrad Housing) UNSW

My other classes are going steady, my Textiles in Interior Architecture class is all about how textiles can be used in design and the importance of textiles in interiors. Multimedia in Design Presentation’s final assignment is group work but it is interesting to work with people that are not in my course because I am able to learn things about other courses.

Looking forward to enrolling  for my graduation project next semester but before going too far ahead of myself I am looking forward to going on an Europe trip for end of semester break to calm my nerves ad prepare myself for the most important semester in my course.

UNSW Built Environment Architectural Computing: David Butterworth

17 09 2009

Hey all,

Second year, second semester… The end is in sight, but still a fair way to go before my grad project at the end of next year. I’m happy to say that all my classes seem to be quite good. I’m especially keen for my first ever University elective, which the Arch Comp guys are pretty happy to see, I chose Design Modelling- Time Based with Jeremy Harkins. I took a bit of a stab in the dark in terms of choosing the elective because I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d be in for. After my first tutorial, it appears that the course is mainly 3Ds Max, which I am really excited for and hopefully I can build on my skills from 1st year. Other electives chosen by Arch Comp students were Advanced BIM (building information modelling) and Advance Multimedia… (and others).

After first semester with the Arch Studies students, we have broken off and gone our separate paths.  We are doing a Computation Studio, which is the equivalent to the architectural studies design studio (or so I am told ?!). We are currently looking at Shape Grammars, learning to script with Java*sigh*, and processing.

My other subjects include Structures and Construction and Design Information Management, both seem fairly beneficial and interesting. I’ve included some images from last semester that I submitted which you may not have seen yet… I was very happy with my results (though my WAM has dropped 1 point). Stay posted for more….



New skin

New skin

Stadium interior

Stadium interior