UNSW Built Environment Construction Management & Property: John Ha

19 07 2010

Hi, everyone!
Semester 1, went so fast.

I began the preparation for my thesis, which will be about communication between emergency services and facilities management. My supervisor for the thesis went through very thoroughly about the topic and the information to study.
The thesis allowed me the opportunity to go to construction sites, consultancy firms, emergency services and the library to study current facility management procedures into the safety of the site, building and people using the building.

It was a real eye-opener! The regulations, procedures, organisations and departments within the state of the New South Wales all work together in order to promote safe facilities.

Other subjects were all supportive in the overall study of construction management such as IPT in Construction and Building Services.

These studies were very practical with a lot of photos, practical lessons and in-class tutorials that helped support the learning process about these subjects, which all help with my future career as a construction manager.

I have been scuba diving regularly, with my recent trip to South West Rocks in the far north coast of NSW a real winner! I swam with sharks, dolphins and even whales! SO COOL!

I have continued in my Army Reserve Training, passing my physical fitness assessment and basic navigation classes for the pre-training before Kapooka for Basic Military Training.

Well, Construction Management is a fun course with ALOT of time to play with!
Flexibility, Fun and Fantastic Opportunity!

Stay in touch for my last couple of blogs for my last year!
Can’t WAIT!

UNSW Built Environment Construction Management & Property: Jess Pascoe

11 11 2009

A whole year is finished and I am feeling full of knowledge I did not know I would have! This second semester has been even better then first. I have settled in with friends which meant that I made even more, and now have a big group of people I am reasonably close to.

My school work has gotten easier in some ways, because I have more of an understanding of what is going on, and harder in others, because it’s harder. This semester I studied Low Rise Residential Construction, Construction and Property Economics, Building Structures and Project Management. I found them all interesting, and enjoyed Structures because it was basically maths so once you got the hang of it (which isn’t always easy) then you could go from there, rather then having to remember a million different bits of information. The only exams I had were for Structures and Low Rise, and I liked the assignment format of Economics and Project Management however sometimes it was more difficult. I am looking forward to my summer, but also to my second year. I’m glad it’s a four not a three year course because I love uni!